The Rachet Hipster

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You're Allowed To Grow And Change

Lean in a little, I wanna tell you something…

Sis, no one has it all figured out, and you’re right where you are supposed to be.

Read that again.

I had a good conversation with a dear friend about life, work, and just general stuff.

My friend felt heavy about a decision they wanted to make, and how it would effect them. They felt like they would let people down or be a failure.

Listen, sometimes you gotta do what Cookie said to Lucious and “put yourself first!”

No job, relationship, or situation-ship is worth the the mental turmoil it puts on you.

People are gonna say what they want to say, about you, and their opinion of you doesn’t matter.

Honestly no one has it really figured out. We are all doing the best we can with the tools we’ve been given. Some of us are just better at looking like we have it all figured out on social media.

So sis, don’t compare yourself, or beat yourself up because you’re not where you want to be in life.

Even if you’re in the “messy middle” of life, there are lessons to be learned. You’re allowed to change your mind, and you’re allowed to change as a person.

Plants don’t stay the same, they are ever growing, ever evolving beings.

You’re right where you need to be.