My Word of The Year and Why I Chose It.

Congrats, fam we made it to 2021!

That in itself is enough to celebrate, and pat yourself on the back for coming so far. In the next few days, you see (or maybe have already seen) people doing a round-up of what they have accomplished or done in the last year. We are all in different spaces mentally, physically, financially, and spiritually.

If staying alive is your greatest accomplishment relish in that.

There is nothing minuscule in that. We’ve all been pushed to the brink or sometimes over the edge in different ways this last year.

The word of the year I chose for myself is…..



Baby, I have no other choice BUT to flourish. I plan on thriving and growing abundantly and living in joy.

I’ve lost friends and family members this past year, and I plan on honoring their legacies by remembering the lessons they have taught me and applying them in my life.

I’m grateful to all of you in my little corner of the internet. I love being able to share my love of plants with you, and helping you fill your home with green boos!

Cheers to the first month in this New Year! Do you have a word of the year that you choose?