Tips on Watering So You Don't Kill Ya Green Boos

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I followed up with a client about their recent purchase. This client was in distress, because they thought their plant was dying. It looked limp and sad. It wasn’t dying though, it just needed to be watered. 

Feed Ya Plants! 

Just like us, plants need water to survive. You wouldn’t forget to feed yourself breakfast, so please don’t forget about your green boos! Water is ya friend! 

Water: What it Do Boo? 

Here are some ways in which water works: It cools down your plants in the hot summer heat. It also helps move minerals and fertilizer to all the right places. 
When you water your plant, water evaporates from the leaves through its pores causing water loss. This sounds horrible, but it's all good! Just like with your body, water goes where it is needed the most. In an ideal setting, the water is pulled up from the roots. If the roots are dry, the water is taken from the leaves themselves which can result in a droopy plant. Aren’t plants great? They tell you what they need if you pay attention to the signs. 

This can seem overwhelming, but you got this! 

If you water your plants and you notice that the water pours out of the drainage holes right away, your soil is bone dry. What your plant is actually doing is repelling water not soaking it in. That ain’t cute sis!  
Your green boo should absorb water slowly through its roots. Before you water again check how dry the soil is. You can use a moisture meter, or use your fingers to see if the soil is wet at least 2 inches below the surface. If it is, feel free to let that water flow! If it isn’t hold off on the watering for a bit. Remember that soil is like a kitchen sponge. Most houseplants like moist soil where water can flow easily. 
Just like you wouldn’t want someone to make you chug a glass of water, neither do your plants.

If you need further help on keeping track of your watering schedule, download our Weekly Watering Schedule. Get it here. If you need a cute watering can, check out our shop